Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Impetigo Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms
Ringworm occurs at all ages. Children under 6 years old have a higher incidence of ringworm than adults. Bullous impetigo is common in infants and young children. If he oloc premature rupture of membranes during labor impetigo lesions may be present at birth. Nonbulos Impetigo is common in children between 2-5 years.
Nonbulos Impetigo begins with a single erythematous macule that quickly turns vesicle or pustule intro, breaks and leave a yellow exudate that crustifica over erosion. Bullous impetigo begin with a rapid onset of vesicles that enlarge and break. Lesions are asymptomatic. Occasionally patients report pain and itching. The infection spreads to the distal areas through direct inoculation. Persons with impetigo were exposed to a carrier of S. aureus or streptococci having pyoderma. Humid climate, warm, contact sports, promiscuous living conditions, poor personal hygiene and unhygienic working environment encourages skin contamination with pathogenic bacteria that cause impetigo. Immune systems compromised by disease or treatment (AIDS, posttransplant, diebt type I, hemodialysis, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, systemic corticosteroids), intravenous drug abuse, skin conditions (atopic dermatitis, dermatophyte, chickenpox, herpes simplex), surgical wounds, bites insects, thermal burns or abrasions to create a permissive environment for bacterial infection.
Physical examination. Bullous impetigo. Characteristic lesion is a vesicle which becomes flaccid intro bubble 1 cm below the skin surface intact, with minimal or no redness adjacent. Initial vesicle containing clear fluid becomes cloudy. Bubble roof is broken leaving a peripheral scaling collateral or ring at the periphery. It develops a crust shows a base station that removes red wet. Intact bubbles are not present because they are very fragile. When the present do not show a positive Nikolsky sign. Lesions may be present as primary skin disease chickenpox or atopic dermatitis. Lesions may be localized or dispersed. They are described on the face but can appear anywhere on the body. No regional lymphadenopathy is present. Extensive lesions in children may be associated with fever, malaise, generalized weakness and diarrhea. Rare Children may show signs of pneumonia, septic arthritis or osteomyelitis.
Impetigo nonbulos. The first is an obvious anomaly red macula or papule 2-5 mm. Characteristic lesion is a vesicle or pustule fragile that it breaks and becomes yellow, grip the crust in the form of papule or plaque with redness less than 2 cm adjacent to the minimal or absent. Lesions develop on normal or traumatized skin or skin conditions appear on the background (scabies, dermatitis, chickenpox) and are spreading rapidly.
They are located around the nose, mouth and on the exposed skin (arms, legs) avoiding the palms and soles. Localized lymphadenopathy is present, but soft nodules. Untreated lesions are spreading through autoinoculare and resolve spontaneously after 2 weeks. Rarely can identify pedia edema and hypertension in persons with impetigo nonbulos. Both are signs of renal dysfunction in glomerulonephritis. Pharyngitis signs are not present.
Complications. Rarely lesions resolved with scarring and hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation postinflamatorie. Bullous impetigo may cause cellulite limfangita, bacteremia secondary to pneumonia, septic arthritis, septicemia. These complications require hospitalization and intravenous antibiotic therapy. If exfoliative toxins are absorbed into the blood may result scalding skin syndrome. It occurs more frequently in young children who have not developed antibodies against this toxin.
Nonbulos Ringworm may cause acute glomerulonephritis in 2-5% of cases, most often in children of 2-4 years. The onset is 10 days after the ringworm lesions appear first, but can Aare up to 2-5 weeks. Transient proteinuria and hematuria may occur during impetigo and resolve before they develop kidney damage. Antibiotic treatment will not prevent the development of glomerulonephritis, but will limit the spread of disease to other individuals. Ectima, a deep dermal infection may result. Scarlet fever, erysipelas, cellulitis, and rarely limfangita Bacterial endocarditis can also develop.

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